A Ab - Push or cut in line. Abalone - City of Albion. Abaloneyite - Citizen of Albion. Ab Chaser - Coastal dweller. Abe - Female dog; or an angry woman. Afe - Fart. Airtight - Sawmill. Ale - Snail mail. Almittey - Belch. Anyhow - Saloon between Boonville and Yorkville built around/after the dry laws of 1906. The Anytime - Saloon famous before the dry laws of 1906. Apleesh - Mendocino County Fair's big Apple Show. Appelder - Fruit/Apple dryer/drying. Applehead - A beautiful lady; your girlfriend/wife. Term of endearment. Appoled a Girl - A young lady. Ark - To wreck; or mess up; or destroy. Arker - Someone from in or around Arkansas. Arkin' - To cause a wreck; to break or destroy something. B Backdated Chuck - Inconsiderate; or ignorant; or behind the times; or bigoted; or closed-minded. See Also: Chucklehead Bahl - Good; of excellent quality. Bahler - Anyone or anything of unquestionably good quality. Bahlness - An exceptionally attractive woman. Bahlest - The peak of something; or apex; or truly excellent; or the best. Bahl Hornin' - A good drink; or cheers. Baldies - The hills NE of Boonville. See Also: Drearies. Bally Crick - A stream coming off Anderson Creek. Ban - Local who invented a lot of Boontling; or a linguist. Barl - To shoot a gun. Barlow - A knife, taken from the brand name Barlow. Barney - Kiss. Barney Flats - The Hendy Woods State Park in Anderson Valley. Barney Lamirerz - Leather or lacy leggings. Barney Man - A cowboy. Barney - Cowboy boots; or western riding boots. Bat - To masturbate. Batter - A bachelor; or a habitual masturbator. Batter Shack - Bachelor pad. Bearman - A tale teller, named for Allen Cooper, a local innkeep, a famous bear hunter and tale teller. Beartrack - Bear shit; or a berry pie or cobbler. Bear Waller - A wooded area south of Boonville. Bee Hunter - A valley girl, named for an evasive answer given by young women as to where they were at (they were bee hunting). Bee Jay - To repeat oneself. Beakin - A large valley man. Beekinje Crick - Indian Creek. Beelech | Bilch - Sexual intercourse. Beemsh | Beemsch - A show; or anything flashy or entertaining. A form of bahl. Bee'n - The butt. Beeson Dusties - A saddle, taken from the brand name Beeson. Beeson Tree-man - A horseback rider from Anderson Valley. Beleegr'n Below Ground - underground. Belhoon - A dollar. Beljeek | Beeljeck - A black tailed rabbit. A form of Belgian Hare and jack rabbit. Beljeemer - A dog trained to hunt rabbits. Belk - Bell Valley, a narrow valley six miles north of Boonville on the Ukiah Road. Belker - A resident of Bell Valley. Big Basement - A large basin north of Bell Valley. Big Bay Mares - Two local woman who were seen as large and in charge. Big Bend - A large hairpin bend located in Rancheria Creek. Big Book - The Bible. Big Crick - Anderson Creek. Big End - To strike out in baseball. Big Holler - A large basin in the hills. Big Sorry - A local man who kept overapologizing over everything. Bilg - A male goat. Bilg Moshe - A trail scooter. Bill Nunn - Syrup, named after a local who put syrup on all his food. Billy Ryan - Pointed goatee/beard. Blevans - Apprentice carpenter. Blooch - To chatter aimlessly; or to masturbate. Bloocher - Habitual bullshitter. Blood 'n Hair - Car accident; or the injuries from one. Blue Bird | Blue Birded - To buck a rider off a horse. Blue Birdin' - A bronco. Blue Grass - Whiskey. Bluejay - A resident of Philo. Bluejay Convention - A meeting in Philo. Bluejay Region - Vincinity of Philo. Blue Slide - Blue rock located towards the northern end of Anderson Valley. Blue Tail - A rattlesnake. Boarch - Someone of Chinese descent; or to enjoy something over and over (potentially derog). Boarch Dom - Chinese pheasant. Boarch Fever - Flus or colds that came overseas from Asia, i.e. SARS (derog). Boark - A Jewish person. (potentially derog). Boarp - A boar; or products made from boars or pigs; or a syrup. Boarp Brothers - A pair of brothers known for their large appetite. Boarsk - A skunk. Bohoik - To laugh out loud. Boo - Potato. Booker | Booker Tee - A person of African descent, as in Booker T Washington (potentially derog). Booker Cat - A raccoon (derog). Bookey - A local bookstore owner. Boont - Boonville; or to speak in Boontling. Boont Butter - A thick gravy. Boont Dusties - Local cemetery. Boonter - A resident of Boonville or a person who knows Boontling. Boontling - The argot of Boonville, California. Bootjack - A coyote. Boshe - Deer. Boshe Gun - A deer rifle. Boshe Haireem - Hunting dog. Bosher - A deer hunter. Boshin' Tidrick - A deer hunting trip. Bow For - Sex, usually used in conjunction with further slang to purposefully obfuscate it. Bowgley - Lies; or rumors. Bow On - To become angry with. Branch - To leave (i.e. to somewhere fun/an event); or to commit adultery. Branchin' - Having a good time; or adultery. Brandin' Irons - Handcuffs. Breggo - Sheep. Brightlighter - Someone from outside Boonville; or not a local. Brightlights - A city. Briney - To hit a home run. The Briney - Pacific Ocean. Briney Glimmer - A lighthouse. Briney Tomker - A sea lion. Briney Pike - The turn to go towards the ocean. Broadie | Broady | Broadly - A cow. Brushy Opener - A homesteader. Brushy Openins' - An area SW of Boonville. Buckery - A local with the name Buckram. Bucky - A nickel. Bucky Dusher | Bucky Duster - A card game which nickels are gambled. Bucket O' Blood - Local rowdy tavern. Buckeye - To loaf. Buckeyein' Moshe - Any device designed for convenience and time-saving. Buckey Walter - A payphone. Buckinj - Native American (potentially derog). The Buckhorn - One of Boonville's early saloons. Buck Pasture - A man whose wife who is very pregnant. Burk - Someone aggressive. Buff - A heavy or beefy person. Bullish | Bull Taish - Bullshit. Bullrusher - Bastard child. Burl - Sex. Named after a local couple kept getting caught doing it on stacks of burlap stacks. Burlap - Sex. See Also: Burl Burlappin' - Having sex. See Also: Burl Burlin' Region - Anywhere you can have sex. Burt Stork | Bird Stock - A man in a unusally large family. Buzzard - A local who lived in the high areas. Buzz Chick - Baseball. C Calgeery - Local woman who traveled to Canada. Cam'n Tooley - One of the larger local mills. Campy Grind - A really fine blade; or teh act of sharpening. Camtooly - A local mill. Can Kicky - Pissed off. Candeel | Canned Eel | Condeal - Goverment employment; or a country job, from the words country deal. Cardy - To prepare. Carton of Dominoes - Matchbook. Cassie - A local, poor housekeeper. Cat - A local who had the name initials CAT. Cress Pool - A saloon. Chapport - Chaps. Charl - To milk a cow. Charlie - To embarrass, after a local Native man named Charlie Ball who was prone to blushing at everything. Charlie Ball | Charlie Balled - Same as charlie. Charlie Brown - A pie. Charlie Walker - A photographer. Cheaters - Eyeglasses. Chiggle | Chiggrul | Chigrel - To eat; food. Chines Meal - Sex. Chipmunk - To hoard; someone who hoards. Chippin - A fuck-up. Choppy - A local known for being loud, terse, and swearing a lot. Chuck - A brat. Chuckish - Idiot. Chucklehead - Inconsiderate; or ignorant; or behind the times; or bigoted; or closed-minded. See Also: Backdated Chuck Chuck Robinson - Someone always behind schedule or late. Clerdle | Cloverdal - Cloverdale. Cloddy | Cloddies | Cloudy - A work shoe. Cloudy Sale - A shoestore. Clout Sale - A clothing store. Cock | Cock On - To become angry. Cock A Fister On - Fighting. Cocked Darley - Someone with a gun; or someone consistently angry. Cockin' Match - A fight. Codgy - Old. Codgyhood | Codgywood - Old age Coller Jumpy - Nervous. Comb's Gittin' Red - A shocked expression. Come On Boy - Social drinker. Comoshe - Sheep shearing machine or tools. Con - Tuberculosis. Cork Leg - A large quartz ledge cut by the Ukiah Road between Boonville and Bell Valley. Corners - The hinge point of the Ukiah Road. Cow Skully | Cow Skullsey - Desolate; or deserted. Crayzeek - Crazy. Croakin's - A funeral. Croppy | Croppies - Sheep. Croppy Fetcher - A sheep dog; sometimes a sheep killer. Croppy Hedgin's - Wool. Croppy Stringer - A sheep killer like a coyote. Cuffey - To clog. Cut cabbage - Hairy vagina. Cutey - A local baseball player known for their flair. Cutey's Diggin's - A mineral claim near Phlio. Cyke | Sike - Cyclone, a local horse known to be impossible to be tamed. Cy Miller - A wild goose chase. Cy Millered - Lost; or confused. D Dame - A wife; or girlfriend. Damin' - Girls' night out. Darlin' - A local who's affectionate and loving. Daylighter - Sex, but this time during daylight hours only. Deacon - A local who was the church Deacon. Dead Soldier - A empty whiskey bottle. Dead Wagon - A hearse. Dear Charlie - Asking for help. Dee - A characteristic sound of Boontling. Deeble - Castration. Deeble' 'n Deetlin - A long day of castrating animals, esp. that of sheep. Deed - Dead. Deeger | Deejer | Deejy - A degenerate. Deek - To look. Deem - A dime. Deetle - To cut off a lamb's tail. Deepend - Local area of Navarro. Dehigged - Broke. Demoshed - Someone without a car. Desurger - Foreskin. Devil's Elbow - A hairpin curve in the Ukiah road. Dewey - A local known for his nicknames. Dick | Dicking - To cheat. Diddle Can - A bottle of whiskey. Didoes - To doodle on a piece of paper. Diggersk - A squirrel that digs. Dime - Local who owned The Dime Store. Dinklehonk - A cowbell. Dirty Neck - Someone in need of a bath. Dish | Dishing - To crowd out. Dissies - Shoe with metal buckles. Dissie Stool - Sobering up off alcohol. Document - A letter. Dagbait - Sick and nauseated. Doll - To foul up. Dollish - To be messy. Dom - A chicken. Dom-gormin' Region - A picnic ground area. Dom-gormin' Tidrick - A picnic; with fried chicken. Dom On The Saddlehorn - Paying for sex. Donagher | Donicker - Toilet. Doolsey | Dulcey - Candy. Doolsey Boo | Doolsey Poo - Sweet potato. Dove-cooey - To feel alone; to be left behind. Drearies - The Bald Hills, a series of mountains northeast of Boonville. See Also: Baldies. Dreef - A husband who has no children; or to jerk around nervously. Dreek | Dreeked - Whipping. Dreekin' - A severe beating. Dry Hide - Dry skin. Dubs - Two of anything; double. Dublin' Dust - Flour. Dukes - Fists. Dusties - A graveyard. Dwight's Flagpole - The largest flagpole in Boonville. E Eagle Sisters - The daughters of local Native Grey Eagle. Ear Settin' - A scolding. Earth - Truth. Eatin' Lizards - Someone sickly or skinny, coming from the fact that if anyone or anything ate the lizards in the area, they'd get violently sick. Eeble - Eyeball; or to scrutinize. Eeble's Appelder - The local big name apple farmer and fruit dryer. Ee Flat - Off key. Eesole - Asshole. Eelld | Elld'm | Eeeld'm - Old lady. Eelk - An old crow. Eelst | Eelstig - Any old male. Eesle - The butt. Ee Tah - An exclamation. Equalizer - A gun. Ess Eye - To make an official survey of boundary. Ex - To vote. Eye of the Needle - A conspicuous pass on the Ukiah road. F Fairbs - Someone in need of a bath. Fairbis Hill - Fairbanks Hill. Fair 'n Right A Person - Someone kind enough to lend you money. Featherleg - An aggressive asshole. Featherleggy - To act aggressive. Fence Jumpin' | Fence Jumpy - Adultery. Fetch - Got your goat; or to pull one over someone. Fiddlers - Delirium tremens. Fisters - A fist fight. Flag's Out - Something usually with someone or something else. Flattened - Sick. Flories - Leavened bread. Floyd Hutsel - Lantern. Fog Eater - An insult or pejorative. Forbes - Half dollar; or two bits. Fourth Of Jeel - The Fourth of July. Foxy Grandpa - A local elderly minister. Frati | Frattey - Wine, named for a local winemaker. Fratti Shams | Frattey shams - Grapevines. Frisk - A local man. Frog Mouth - A frog. Fuzzeek - A peach. Fuzzy - A local baseball player. Fuzzy Tail - A horse. G Gannow - An apple. Garrey - A California quail. Garibaldey - A valley quail. Geech - Fucking, esp. the act of penetration. Gorge Bee | George Bee - To trap animals. Glimmer | Glow Worm - A kerosene lamp. Glimmers - Reading glasses. Gult - A wooden edge. Golden Eagles - Underwear, esp those woven out of the Golden Eagle flour brand bags. Gorm - To eat. Gormer - An eater. Gormin' Region - A kitchen. Gorms - Under circumstances. Gorm Sale - A restaurant. Gourd - A violin. Gourder - A fiddle player. Grannyhatchet - A buck with unusually large antlers. Greeney - A tantrum. Greeley - A newspaper. Greyb - A old man. Gray-matter Kimmie - A scholar. Greysk - A grey squirrel. Greysk Haireem - Squirrel hunting dog. Grizz - An old bachelor. Grizzleeber - A bear. H Haines-crispin - A feud. Hair Buryin' - A shivaree; an old frontier wedding night hazing ritual. Haireem - A dog. Haireemsker - A hybrid dog. Hairk - A haircut. Hairy Horn - A buck. Halvers - A condom. Hangin' Higher N' Bolley's Fiddle - Useless. Hardies - Gloves. Hark - To make a mistake. Harp - To talk. Harper - A talker. Harpin's - Talk. Harpin' Tidrick - A talkfest. Hedge - To cut someone's hair. Hedger - A shearer. Hedgin's - Hair or wool. Heefus - A person with small hips; or someone irresponsible. Heelch - The whole of anything. Heel Scratchin' - Sex. Heerjick - Erectile dysfunction. Heese - A high school. Heese Teach - A school teacher. Heisted - Pregnant. Hen Eggs' N' Oval - To write. Hewtle - A hotel. Hig - A dollar. Higgery - A bank. Higgs - Money. High - Under the influence of drugs. Higher 'N A Billy | Higher 'N Dwight's Flagpole - Very drunk. High Git - To become drunk. High Gitter - An alcoholic. High Gittin - Drunkenness. High Gun - A shotgun. High Heel - To ticket someone for breaking a law. High Heeler - A cop. Highpockets - A large man. Highpockety - Wealthy. High Roller - Someone from the nearby town of Yorkville. High Shams - A area covered with high thick brush. High Split - Someone scrawny or lanky. Higler - A dollar. Hipshot - A limp caused by a bad hip. Hipshot Nancy - Someone who limps. Hit The Moldune Trail - To have an affair with a woman. Hob - To dance. Hobber - A dancer. Hobneelch - To dance. Hobneelch Region - Dancehall. Hog Butcher 'N Limpin' - Jesus. Hog Rings - A wider vagina. Hood - An odd person. Hoot - To laugh. Hooter - One who laughs. Hoot On - To laugh on. Horn - A drink. Horner - A drinker. Hornin' Region - A bar. Horn Of Zeese - A cup of coffee. How - A steel splitting wedge. Huge | Huger - Large. Huge Arker - A large bomb. Huge Tomker - A mountian lion. Hurdy Gurdy - A carnival. Husk - To masturbate. Husker - A masturbator. I Ike - A large pocket watch; or a turnip. Ink stands - Hemorhoids Ink Standy - Exhausted. In The Sisters - A deer whose antlers are still producing velvet. Iron Moshe - A locomotive. Itch Neemer - Recovering alcoholic. Ite - Someone of Italian descent. Ite Vault - A bank. It's Not Just Shy Sluggin' Gorms Neemer - It's not just for breakfast anymore. J Jacker - A young man; masturbator. Jackers Gourd - A picket fence. Jake Legged - Shaky in one's step. Jake's Boy - A local baseball pitcher. Jape - To drive. Japer - A driver. Jay Esser - A lawsuit, named for the one filed between JS Ornbaun et al. Jay Hawk - To peel tan bark as high as possible on a standing tree. Jay Hawker - One who peels the tan bark for trees without falling them. Jeansheep | Jinksheep - Black sheep. Jeekle - A bad schedule. Jeekus - A mule; or brandy. Jeffer - A fire. Jenny - To tattle. Jenney Beck - A tattletale. Jimhead | Jimheady - Confused. Jimmies - Men's sleeve holders. Joe Mack - A whipping or beating. Joe Ride - A raucous drive. Jonnem - A tall tale. K Kai - A coyote. Kaishbook | Keishbook - Pregnant. Kaydee - A hat. Keeborb - Premature or early. Keemwun Keemle - A call. Kerk - To urinate. Kick Rocks - To do anything futile. Killing Snake - To do hard work. Kilokety - To travel by train. Kiloppety - To travel by a horse-drawn carriage. Kimmie - Come over here; any one person you don't know. Kimmoshe - Sheep shearing sharpener; or an unknown vehicle. Kingster - A large church building. Knucklehead - A girl. Kraisey - A mix up. L Lamb Fries - Lamb testicles. Larrup - A beating or whipping. Lassin' - A vest. Laychee - Milk. Leeber - A grizzly bear. Leeber Region - Any wild area. Leek - Looking. Leek Bee'n - A dire warning. Lengthy - A female deer. Levi - A telephone; or to call or talk on the phone. Lews's Larmers - Gossip. Ling - A language. Lip Splittin' - A fist fight. Little Crick - The Bally Crick. Livvie Cambles - Rubber knee boots. Lizzard - A skid for removing large game. Lizzied - Pregnant. Lobo - A meat stew. Lock | Lockin' | Lockin' Match - A wedding. Log Lifter - A heavy rainstorm. Low Desk - To conduct business. Low Deskin' - Business. Loweezies - Soda biscuits. Lurk - A lunch. M Madge - A prostitute, named for the local brothel owner. Madge House - A brothel. Madging - Visiting a brothel. Mark - Castration esp. to animals. Markin' - To castrate a lot of farm animals in one day. Marshal - A weather sheep. Martin Issac - A crosscut saw. Mason Dixon - The line between Boonville and Philo; or any area between two places that hate each other. Match - A contest. Mate - Any kind of genitals. Mate Gormin' - Oral sex. Mert's Sister - Clumsy. Milky - Foggy. Mink - A girl, esp. one that has nicer clothing. Missit - A small slice. Modocker - Someone of the LGBTQ+ community, usually applied to this expressing at least some level of same-sex/gender attraction (reclaimed). Moldune - A larger lady. Moldunes | Mollies - Breasts. Molly - A doe deer; or a dime. Molly Gormin' - Titsucking. Monk - To edge someone out of a deal. Monty In - Concentrating. Moosty - A moustache. Moshe - A machine. Mossy - A kitchen; or changing the subject. Mouse ear - A tighter vagina. Mowkeef - To make hay. Muzz Creek | Muzz Crick - Overflowing gutters. N Neeble - No good. Neebles - Anything castrated. Neef - One who has lost a finger. Neemer - No more. Nettied - Fancily dressed. Netty - To dress fancy. Nickelonk - To play cards. Non - "No". Nonch - Bad. Noncher - A sheep with poor quality wool. Nonch Harpin' - Foul language. Nonch Neemer - A recovering alcoholic. Non On - To criticize. Nook - A homesite. O Oje - To masturbate. Old Dame - A wife. Old Dusties - Hell. Old Kai - An older coyote. On - An ingredient used to bind herbs and spices together. Ose - The butt. Ose Draggy - Exremely tired. Ose Pocket - Rear pocket. Ose Wipin's - Toilet paper. Oshtook - Someone who only has one eye. Ot | Otto - To work hard. P Pack'em Out Billies - Dirty men's socks. Pail - To milk a cow. Paint Brush - A small mustache. Paper Skull - A small deer. Paul Ray Sock - A fancy suit. Peak'd Heads - Anyone who is a member of the Oddfellow's Lodge. Peerl | Peeril | Pearlin' - To drizzle. Pickem Up - One who habitually starts fights. Pike - To travel. Pike To The Dusties - To die. Pinchy - Stingy. Pleeble - To play ball. Plenty - Very. Plenty White - Snow. Pothead - Ugly. Prince Me | Prince Me Shadah Clout - A man's suit. Prohi - A prohibitionist. Pusseek - A cat. Put It On - To begin courting. R Rack - A raccoon Rag - To dance. Ragger - A fan of jazz. Raggin' - Dancing contemporary. Ramps - A lunge. Rawncher - Anything large in size. Reel - A relative. Relf | Reelf - A rail fence. Region - A place. Ricky Chow - Sex. Ridgy - Old and creaky; or backwards. Roajer; Rodger - A big storm. Rooje - To cheat. Roojin' - A bad deal. Rookyto - A valley quail. Roopey | Roopey Stag - A cowboy. Roopey Harpin' - Empty talk. Root - To fall. Rosy - Red wine. Rout - To scold heavily. Routin - A harsh scolding. Rout The Kimmie In The Boat | Rout The Kimmie On The Boat - Knocking someone up. Rubberneck - To eavesdrop on a party telephone line. Rude Eye - To hit a home run. Rudy Nebs - Clean water. S Sahdah Clout - A man's suit. Saddle Blanket - Pancakes. Sale - A saloon; any store. Schoolch - A teacher Scottied - Hungry. Scotty - A heavy eater. Scratcher - A chain saw. Scrouge - Sex, esp. very rough or vigorous. Secesh - A secessionist; a Southern sympathizer in the Civil War. Seeker - Womanchaser. Seep - Port wine. Seep Horner - One who esp. likes and drinks wine. Seep Horns - A glass of wine. Seep's Diggin's - A mining claim just off the Poor Way a mile or so from the Corners. Seepy - Lethargic, esp. under that of drunkeness. Seerge | Seerje - Gonorrhea Seertle - A condom, esp. one made of fishskin. Seertle | Sertle | Sirtle - A fish of any kind; esp. a salmon Serowlsh - Anything that's bad. The opposite of Bahl. Used as a swear or pejorative. Set 'N Ear - To scold. Shag - To stumble; or to move awkwardly. Shaggish - Clumsy; or poorly coordinated. Shams - Brush; esp. chamise or chamisal brush found in California's Coast Range Shark - To get the best of another in competition; to "stump" another Boonter on a lingo neologism. Sharkin' Match - A card game; or a lingo session in which several new words were tried out; or a fight. Sharsh - To shear sheep. Sharshin' Match - A sheepshearing session or speed competition. Shattaquaw - A talkfest; a conversation involving several people. Shavin' Knocker - Someone young. Shay To shed - When something like leaves or feathers fall or drop off; or molting. She Booker - A woman of African descent. (potentially derog). Shike - Trade; to beat someone in a deal. Shiv - A shivaree. See Also: Hair Buryin' Shods - Cheap clothing. Short Ling | Short Lang - Boontling. Shotgun - To run off in many directions. Shoveltooth - Doctor. Shy - To leave or stop. Side Hill Seertle - A poached deer. Sifter - A watermelon. Sig - A cigarette. Sike Pike - A horse trail. Silent Fister - Anyone out to hurt someone. Silent Horner - An alcoholic who drinks alone. Silent Seeker - Flirt. Skee - Whiskey. Skee Horner - A whiskey drinker. Skee Horns - Whiskey. Skiddley - Doubtful. Skip - To miss or drop a fly ball in baseball. Skraije - To backstab. Skype - A preacher; or the act of preaching. Skype Region - A church. Skypin' - A camp revival. Slib - A slice. Slider - A silent fart. Slow Lope 'N A Beeson Tree - Something you say when things are good. Slug - To sleep. Sluggin' Nook - A bedroom. Smalch - Coins. Smeel - Small. Smeelch - Small change. Sneeble - Someone of African descent. Sneebles - Low cut. Socker - Anything big. Sol - The sun. Saul's Grandmother | Sol's Grandmother - Dead. Somerset - To become emotionally upset. Son Of Abe - Son of a bitch. Sookey - A cow. Sop - Gravy. Spat - A small caliber rifle. Spilldukes - A fist fight. Springknee - To shout. Squeekyteek - A ground squirrel. Steedos | Steederse - A stallion. Steinber - Beer. Stiff Hat - A boxer. Stook - Stuck. Stook On - In love with. Stooks - A crush or lover. Straightneck - A person of German descent. Strawbs | Streebs - Strawberries. Stribs - Brown beans. String - To kill. Suck - An infant. Sucks - Female breasts. Sull - To sulk. Sunnies | Sunny - A pretty day. Sull - To make someone angry. Surge - STD. Swifty - Long whip; or a short drive in a horse buggy. T Taiklef - The long middle finger; or a vagina. Taish - Shit. Taishin' Nook - A bathroom. Taish Water - Sewage. Talley Whacker - A penis. Tarp - Genitals. Teach - Teacher. Tea Drinker | Tea Horner - A woman. Tebailp - The card game Double Pedro. Teebough | Teeps | Tipe - To urinate. Teebowed - Deaf/hard of hard of hearing. Teedee - Today. Tee'l - To Hell. Teesle - Cheese. Teet - Tight. Teet-lipped - Mad. Teleef - A telephone. Televeef - Television. Tellick - Exhausted. Thorpes - Men's high bottom shoes. Thribble - Triple. Thribble "A" - Whiskey. Thribs - Three. Tidrey - Of no consequences. Tidrick - A party. Tige - A tiger. Tigey - Mentally jumbled. Tipin' Moshe - Toilet. Tobe - Tobacco. Tom Bacon - A long moustache. Tomker - A cat. Tomker Seertle - A catfish. Tony Bloker - A smoking pipe. Tongue - Sick. Toobs | Toops - A quarter. Trashmover - A fairly heavy winter storm. Treek - To travel. Trilby - A shoe. Trojan - Dynamite. Tudd - Masturbating. Tuddies - Mentally upset. Tuddish - Neurodivergent (derog). Tuffer - A hard sheep to shear. Tune A Fiddle - To sharpen a saw. Turkey Neck - A person who stares. Turteel - A mourning dove. Tweed - A small child. Tweedish - Childish. U Uke - Local town of Ukiah. Underst - To understand. Upper-cuttin - A fist; fight. V Visalia - A roping saddle. W Wailk | Weelk | Wilk - A wildcat. Walter Levi - A telephone. Wee - small. Wee Boshe - A fawn deer. Weech - A small child. Wee Heese - An elementary school. Weelk Region - A wildcat region. Weese - A infant. Wee Tweed - A small child. Wes - A harmless, easy to catch fish. Wess - To fib. Wessup - A flower. Wessup Tweed - A hippie. Wheeler - To have a huge fit. White Oak - To work hard. White Spot - A dead sheep. Whittlin' - Politics. Wood Dog - A shy dog. Y Yebbelow - To talk. Yattin' - Talk/chatter. Yeast - Powder biscuit; or a wet, aroused vagina. Yibe - Yes. Yink - A young person. Yuke Tree - A saddle. Z Zeese - Coffee/cup of coffee.