This entire challenge MUST be done wearing either heavy steel-toed leather boots or iron sandals. No exceptions. Stretch/Warmup 5x Basic kicking stretch routine (Knee lift, front swing, back kickflip, both sides, crescent in/out) SET START 25x Push-Ups (Either from fists or diamond. No open palm. No walls/assistance.) 25x Sit-Ups w/cross elbow to knee twists 25x Squats w/suburito 25x Leg Raises 25x Leg Raises w/thrusting kicks out and up 15x Burpees 1x 1 Minute Plank (Either on fists or plank-to-push up) 25x Bicep Curls 25x Tricep Lifts 25x Hammer Curls Stretch/cooldown. SET END Repeat set up to 4 times a day, but no less than 2. Preferably 3. Jump rope. Grippers. Walk a mile every day. Carry home heavy bags. Set up and use punching bag and tanren-uchi w/suburito* each 15 minutes at least a day. On dojo days, cut set amount by half, but still do it. On event days, cut set amount by half, but still do it. 1-2 rest days a week at most and only if severely needed. If it's a rest day and it's a dojo or event day, still do dojo or event stuff. *If you're reading this and wondering what the hell this is, it's a wood stand to hold a used tire in you beat the shit out of with a wooden sword to get your body used to impact resistance and vibration, builds muscle and makes you able to react to repositioning better. A suburito is a large, heavy, thick oar-shaped bokken (wood sword) used solely for stuff like this and swinging exercises.